Sunday, March 23, 2014

Interview with Lower Class Brats by Rich A-Train

Hey Rich here from The Independent Punk Digi-Zine. I recently had a chat with Bones from the Lower Class Brats and here’s what he had to say about life in L.C.B.. Rich: So who is who and who does what in the band?
Bones: Consists of myself (Bones) on vocals, Marty Volume on guitar, Ron Conflict on bass, and Brat Scabies on drums. Rich: How did you come up with the name Lower Class Brats and how long have yall been around?
Bones: As of 2014 we have been playing for 19 years. The name came from my friend Frankie Nowhere who found it in the liner notes of the Germs cassette "Germicide" on ROIR. Rich: Has Austin always been home to the band?
Bones: Yes. Although we are all transplants to Austin. Rich: What 5 bands are you currently listening to?
Bones: Personally, I have been listening to Skyhooks, Guida, Joan Jett, CockSparrer, and Big Balls and the Great White Idiot. Rich: Tell us about any upcoming gigs or releases. 
Bones: We have quite a few shows coming up this year. Too many to mention. We are currently working on our 5th studio LP. Rich: Do you have a favorite venue you enjoy playing?
Bones: That all depends on which city you are talking about... Rich: What are some of your favorite bands to play with?
Bones: That's hard. Off the top of my head, CockSparrer, Youth Brigade, The Adicts, Negative Approach, The Casualties... The list goes on and on... Rich: What do yall do to get ready for a show?
Bones: That depends who you ask. I usually chain smoke cigarettes, pound caffeine, and poop. Ha! Rich: What all goes in to writing an LCB song? Walk us through your song writing process.
Bones: That's a long and sorted walk buddy... Rich: Flask or Bong?
Bones: That also depends on who you ask. Pipe for me. Rich: What is your favorite scene from A Clockwork Orange?
Bones: Hard one. I always find something different every time I read the book or watch the film. Rich: Home Slice or The Parlor? What is your favorite Austin pizza joint?
Bones: The Parlor
Rich: Does anyone have hobbies or other interests outside of the band?
Bones: Yeah, totally. I have been very busy recently in the Sochi Winter Olympics and received the gold in Competitive Glue Sniffing. Ron is the most famous dog and cat walker in Austin and for that has recently gotten an endorsement deal with Lone Star Beer. When not studying for his PhD in amateur gynecology, Scabies may or may not be the East Riverside Ripper. And Marty is a multi-talented artist; when not shredding on guitar, he works downtown as a male stripper at the World Famous Greasy Longhorn Club. The ladies love him! Rich: How can people hear and get a hold of your music, merch, ect?
Bones:, ,, On You Tube as well just search Lower Class Brats.
Thanks so much Bones for taking the time and best of luck on the upcoming LP and all upcoming shows. Rich The Independent Punk Digi-Zine

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